Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Like eating out? Look this way!

WHILE I'm speaking about eating out - there's another site you should visit. There's a card you can get for 295sek which will give you and a friend 71 places to pick from - and only pay for 1 person. Like that equation? Visit this website!

You HAVE to take advantage of this!!

Starting last week it's been the national week for restaurants in Sweden, also called Krogveckan in Swedish. Wanna know how this benefits us? You can choose between 119 best restaurants in Stockholm (or pick another city closer to where you are) and eat a 2 course meal for 200sek, no matter what the prices for the dishes are originally. Now, you might think 200sek is still quite expensive, but for those of you living in Sthlm you KNOW a 1 course dinner could be more than 200sek ALONE, so please everyone - take advantage of this!!! The offer only lasts til Sunday night! Here's the address to where you can find all the restaurants participating!!